Sunday, May 19, 2013


This Friday, I am heading down to Louisiana/Texas to visit some family and friends, whom I haven't seen in about 3 years. My Delta airlines app announced to me today that I have 4 days until check-in. 4 days? 4 days! I have been planning this trip for the past two years pretty much and I guess what caught me offguard was that it seemed to suddenly appear. In 4 days, I will be gone for a week, come back, and then have only 3 days until I report to DC. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!
On my last day of my full time job, people were asking me, "Are you excited!?" My answer, simply put was, "I think so?" See, for two years, I've been so excited about Peace Corps. Obsessing over blogs, articles, discussion forums, PeaceCorpsWiki (lifesaver!) and more, and it was really hard to focus on other priorities. For this reason, I have had to compartmentalize my excitement, and now it's kinda weird to be bringing it back into the light. It feels like a bright sunny day and it's snowing, and it just doesn't make sense to me right now. I keep thinking: Is this MY life? Is this really happening? For so long, it was a waiting game and I had to learn how to put Peace Corps out of my mind so that I could live my life. I was overwhelmed. 
There is so much about being a PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) that I cannot read in a blog or even ask a current volunteer. It's something I'll have to dive head first into and take it as it comes. As I get closer to departing, I am starting to think of that "unknown" that will grace me with its presence in Peru. It could come as quietly as a summer's breeze or as fiercely as a rushing wave, and what scares me is that I have no idea what or how intensely it will come. And that is frightening. On a positive note, I am grateful for answers I have been able to find from current PCVs, and I will never be able to thank them enough @mandy/todd/kaeli/faith/amanda/sue.
So in 16 days I will be meeting other Peace Corps Peru volunteers who will be embarking on a journey of a lifetime. It seems like one big dream that for some of us, has been in the making for such a long time that we can't even begin to imagine that NOW is the time for it to happen. It's the weirdest feeling in the world, and I don't want people to think I'm not excited.. I just dont know how to express it at the moment.
Meanwhile, I am spending time with family, friends and pets... eating foods I know I can't easily get in Peru (apples, peanut butter), doing things I know won't happen in Peru very often, if ever (hot showers, flushing toliet paper, air conditioner, drinking tap water). Time will tell how this all plays out.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. [james1:2-4]
Lastly, if you have a moment, please read this blog entry by a returned Peace Corps volunteer (RPCV). Who is the Peace Corps for? It speaks of how being a PC Volunteer is important for both Americans and countries abroad.
Hasta la proxima,

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! I'm heading to Panama on June 18 and even though I've spent the last few months getting everything in order, it feels SO weird that it's actually here. Good luck in Peru!!
