Tuesday, May 7, 2013

And the winner is...

ME! Because I FINALLLLLLLLY have final medical clearance. I swear, it's been like the biggest wall, covered in moldy plants and super sparkly glitter, leaning towards you at 10 degrees so it's almost impossible to climb without a big burly man with broad shoulders and/or a rocketship. Yeah, it's like that.
This is was the last hurdle to get over, and I almost giddy with excitement to say "IN YOUR FACE!" Nothing personal, but I'm coming off of 22 months of "character developing" and "patience building" experiences. We'll go with that.
Oh, we also got our staging email, so about 4 weeks from today, I'll be flying into Washington DC, and meeting up with 30 or so other crazy people volunteers that I will get to share warm fuzzies with the next 2+ years of my life. We'll mingle and play camp "name games" I am sure of it, all the while discussing what we expect and what we'll actually get. A pep talk better be in there, too. Just saying, because it's not like I am always gushing over the awesomeness of my adventure, I have my moments of "di QUOI?!" and "what did I sign up for again?" This blog perfectly sums up what I feel: FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN We'll check out of the hotel bright and early (aka 7am) and leave Ronald Reagan Airport (DCA) around noon. We'll make a pitstop in Houston, and then be on our 6 and a half hour flight to Lima, Peru. Say WHAT?
I really hope I can keep this blog going, because so many other volunteer's blogs helped me during this "pre-service" process and I want to be that for others. I have to say that I've kept this going a lot longer than other blogs I might have started in the past.
Well, until the next time... here goes nothing! everything!


  1. wow congrats!!! :) and good luck, its coming up super fast

  2. thanks so much ash! where are you heading to with the pc?
