Thursday, July 10, 2014

La Batalla de Huamachuco

So, it's been 131 years since the Battle of Huamchuco took place in a pampa (field of land) between two mountains that surround the area. "It was originally fought on July 10th, 1883 was the last major battle of the War of the Pacific. The Chilean soldiers led by Colonel Alejandro Gorostiaga decisively defeated the Peruvian army commanded by General Andres Avelino Caceres near the town of Huamachuco. This Chilean victory effectively eliminated Cáceres' Ejército de la Sierra, (Army of the Mountains) ending any real threat or resistance in the Peruvian Andes. The Peruvian defeat paved the way for the Treaty of Ancon that finally put an end to the war. Also, one of Peru's greatest heroes, Colonel Leoncio Prado, died as a consequence of this battle. The Peruvians lost 800 men, about 1/3 of their forces." (WIKIPEDIA). Huamachuco's hospital is named after Leoncio Prado.
Leoncio Prado
Students (a lot!) from all over the Huamachuco urban and surburban area took place around the obelisk to celebrate the victory of the Battle and to pay tribue to those who lost their lives. The Peruvian flag was flown at half-mast.

Elementary school (primaria) kids waiting to march

Members of the UGEL (like the school board)
I work a lot with the UGEL of Huamachuco. From there, I see what the needs are on a city-wide basis and together we work on projects that support the entire education system. I marched with them in the parade. (Picture below)

When in Peru, you have to march like a Peruvian! (Which takes some getting used to)

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