Tuesday, April 29, 2014

There's work to be done...

I'm starting to think that instead of you guys following me here, you just need to hop on a plane and visit me.. because it is honestly so hard to describe to you what I do... especially the mundane (but interesting to you) things.
OK. Now on to pictures!
I went to America in early April to visit family and friends (above, cousins Natalie and Emily). Some things were really nice: hot water, indoor plumbing (and being able to throw the toliet paper in the toliet!), on-time meetings, Diet Coke, Gold Fish (and any other food item), driving, but some things weren't so great: constant stomach aches, overwhelming huge stores (like Sam's Club), the feel I needed to buy EVERYTHING, the lack of hand-made whipped cream topping, etc. After the first 10 days or so, I wanted to go back to Peru. I knew there was more work to be done, and I felt a little unproductive being in the "Land of the Free and the Brave" just eating everything in sight. After a 22-hour return to the land of the Andes Mountains and the Incas, I enjoyed a nice chicha-morada and arroz chaufa and settled back into site.
What's a Michigan winter without some snow? Snowed about 3 inches one day, and was 65F the next. Got my snow gear and my sandals out in the same vacation!
Getting back into the schools: Friday assembly, going over important details of the week, sorting out the lost and found box, etc. This is the school's "Secundary" section (like high school) with ages 11-16 (they graduate at 16). I work with 3rd and 4th year students, ages 13-15.
Que lluvia!! We're still in rainy season (winter) here in the mountains, believe it or not. Gosh, I can't wait until the day I can walk without having to waterproof my outfit for the day. It's a rainy day experience that's for sure.
To celebrate their Anniversary, Florencia de Mora (school I work with) had a parade around the plaza. Students noticed me watching and waved and winked, while students from my other school (N 82115) made guest appearances with their honor squad.
And to make your day better: BABY DUCKS!

The school year is in full swing and my Sexual Health group is coming along nicely. We're working on Tshirt designs as we speak. Until the next time!

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