Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Peruvian Pensivity

Peru is awkward... down right uncomfortable. Why did I sign up to be gawked at, not taken seriously, under appreciated, misunderstood, etc. etc.? Why do I have to be so far away from the capital up here in my mountain? Where are there no coke zeros? No movies? No McDonalds?

I'll tell you why.
Because life is all about taking chances. It's about doing something you haven't done before. If you're getting the same result, it means your doing the same thing. You have to change up your approach and realize that it's not all about you sometimes. So what if you step in cow poop on your daily commute, or if you have to repeat yourself 8+ times just to get a simple point across. "It is what it is," says my site mate. If you keep the mentality that "wow this sucks," then yeah, it's going to suck.
We are
given a life to
push limits, test
ourselves, move mountains,
and create something better for the future.
You might expect me to always say that Peru is fantastic, surprising, beautiful, fulfilling, and all those other superlatives.  Don't get me wrong, Peru is all of those things, but it wouldn't be as such if the "less than perfect" things were there too. That's why we have happy moments, because we know what it feels to have sad moments. There is no light without dark. The two coexist.
So here I am in Peru... coexisting. Sure many things get on my nerves daily, but things are beginning to change. I get up to the 4th time of repeating myself before I get a little upset. "Poco a poco," remember? For those of you who think I repeat myself just fine enough as it is... just you wait till I return to the US! :-) Until I do, I'll keep moving along, trying different approaches to this new life I have in Peru. For as many negative things I can think of about Peru, there are just as many if not more positive things! I mean, I am so amazingly blessed to be here doing this. Everyday I wake up, open my curtains, behold the beautiful Andes mountains, and think, "THIS IS MY LIFE?"
For those of you on the verge of something that you don't know if it's great or not, just do it. Try. You have no idea how you'll succeed if you don't even give it a shot. If all fails, at least you'll learn something about yourself along the way. Take it from me. I've only been in Peru 3 months, but I feel think KNOW that I have changed and grown. Yeah sometimes I miss my coke zeros, but it's life... and those things aren't really important.
Take care, take it easy, but also remember to take it to the next level.

Go and Grow.

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